Thursday, January 21, 2010

Signs Of Infertility And The Most Common Causes

Your Infertility Might Have a Very Simple Solution!

Knowing the signs of infertility and the common causes can go a long way in relieving fears about never being able to have children.

It is always best to arm yourself with the facts. And your particular infertility issues might have a very simple fix. Following, you will find a few things that might help you in your search of the cause for your infertility problems.

What most doctors consider "infertility" is, simply, the inability to get pregnant after having unprotected intercourse for 12 months. Sounds pretty basic...who said doctors are so smart?

6.1 million or 11.8% of women between the ages of 15-44 face issues with infertility. So you are not alone.

Keep in mind, though, that it might take longer than 12 months.

85% of couples conceive in the first twelve months but for 50% of the remaining couples, it might take up to 36 months to finally get pregnant. So the first thing to do when you just cannot seem to get pregnant is to not panic.

Get the facts first.

Following, you will find a few things that might help you in your search of the cause for your infertility problems.

One of The Main Signs of Infertility Is Not Being Able to Conceive!

There might not be any other signs of infertility! Hard to believe but that is the truth. There are a few others signs, but many people do not experience them.
For Men -
-Signs of hormonal problems such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.

For Women
-Abnormal menstrual cycles (normal being the same number of days between cycles, the same flow rate and time each month)

Beyond these basic signs of infertility, we need to look more closely at the causes of infertility in hopes that we might find a simple solution to your inability to conceive a child.

Signs of Infertility and How Information May Help You Conceive

Let's cover some of the main causes of infertility. Firstly, realize that of people that have problems with fertility, 40-50% of cases are due to some problem with the female, while only 20% of the issues stem from something wrong with the male.

Don't be disheartened by this, because most things can be fixed.

Main Cause For Women:-Hormonal Imbalance That Affects Ovulation
-Age (the older we get the more issues we might have)
-Anatomical Problems- Such as blocked fallopian tube, cervical disorders or polycystic syndrome (PCOS)
-Cancer Treatments

Main Causes For Men:
-Sperm Disorders-such as low quality or quantity, sperm lacks mobility or is abnormal
-Age (same thing affects men!)
-Immune Disorders
-Cancer Treatments
-Lifestyle or Environment

Things To Check After Identifying Your Signs of Infertility

Let's eliminate the simple fixes first!

-Check your monthly calendar! Are you having intercourse at the optimal time? An egg is best 12 to 24 hours after ovulation and sperm lasts 2-5 days. Make sure the sperm are waiting for your egg, not the other way around. They need time to get where they need to go.

-Check you basal temperature to confirm your calendar. Basal thermometers are not that expensive ($10.00 at Walgreens) and can easily get you closer to your best ovulation time.
-Notice the changes in your cervical mucus and set that date with your partner!
-Purchase an Ovulation Predictor Kit ($30.00 at Walgreens)

If you have double checked all of these then it's time to check a few things medically or find a system that will work naturally without all of the side effects.

Either way, you can figure this out and solve your infertility.

Signs of Infertility - One Simple and Effective Fix

Solving infertility can become very expensive, even if you have insurance...and there is always the option of adoption.

More and more women are being told that they have unexplained infertility and are searching for alternative ways to conceive a child.

If you could:
-improve your chances of becoming pregnant
-with no side effects, spend very little money
-and potentially fix your particular problems with infertility

would you consider trying an alternative program for a few months?

If you are one of the many women struggling with infertility, or know of someone that is looking for help, please take the time to check out Signs of Infertility

She tackled her own infertility and...after many years and lots of research...won.

She found a way to do it safely and quickly.

Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson